
Family Values Resource Institute, Inc. (FVRI) provides educational and counseling programs in predominantly urban areas to empower families with resources, skills, and principles for generational prosperity.


Family Values Resources Institute, Inc. envisions self-sufficient, cohesive families that fully experience life, liberty, and prosperity.

Core Values Statement

Strong families that value life and learning are the keys to creating generational health (mental, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual wholeness) and prosperity (in the spirit, body and soul).

FVRI is an educational and charitable 501(c)(3) organization that teaches principles, develop skills, and provides resources according to the following five core values:

  1. Holistic Learning:  We believe a holistic approach to learning is the most effective way to address the academic, emotional, social, and spiritual barriers to creating generational prosperity.  We promote Faith-based resources as an inseparable complement to the Research-based educational and counseling approaches that do not compromise our core holistic principles.
  2. Informed Guidance:  As God-created free will beings, we believe that a person should have access to all necessary information to make an informed decision in matters that affect his or her life, especially if that decision has an impact on the life of another human being.
  3. Compassionate Service:  We realize that people don’t care how much you know in your ability to assist them through challenges until they know how much you care and sympathize with their situation.
  4. Passionate Advocacy:  As our desire is to see more than our local clients benefit from our approach, we are a passionate advocate for the causes that hinder generational prosperity and quality of life, especially in urban areas.
  5. Organizational Integrity:  The greatest thanks we can give our donors and partners is to ensure we operate with the highest integrity and accountability for maximum effectiveness in all aspects of our programs and administration.